What will you choose to wear today?

What do you value?

Peace? Harmony? Wealth? Accomplishment? Joy? Something else?

I used to shy away from talking about values (even after I became a coach, TBH!) because the word just rubbed me the wrong way.

Talking about values just felt too fuzzy. Too difficult to define. And too abstract to DO anything with.

But I’ve come around to them, actually. And if you’ll give me a couple minutes, I think you will too.

So first, what are values? 

Values are what you need in your life to thrive. Full stop.

They are the conditions – in your home, your family, your work environment, everywhere – that must be met in order for you to feel aligned and authentic in your own skin.

So, what do you value?

Here’s a hint: your values are already on display – right now.

Take a look at the space you’re in and you’ll likely see one or more of your values:

The plants that decorate your windowsill (Nature or Calm). 

The orderly arrangement of pens and notebooks on your desk (Structure or Order). 

The intricate latte art you’ve created for your morning coffee (Ritual or Beauty).

Take a look at your clothes and you’ll also likely see one or more of your values:

The antique necklace that’s a family heirloom (Family or Tradition).

The workout clothes you set out for tomorrow’s early morning yoga class (Efficiency or Self-Care).

The colorful sweater you pair with tennis shoes for the workshop you’re leading (Creativity or Play).

Whether you realize it or not, your values quietly inform so many of your choices, your relationships and your environment.

But the reverse is also true: the ABSENCE of your values in any aspect of your life is also telling!

My favorite example is your calendar – are your values represented in how you’re spending your time? 

But how about food: are your values honored in the food choices you make?

Or – ooof, this is a toughie: what about in your self-talk? Does your internal monologue align with your values?

Values are so much more than just a trite talking point in a company offsite.

They’re breadcrumbs we can pick up to deepen our understanding of ourselves.

They’re parameters for how to set up our lives and careers in ways that feel aligned and fulfilling to us.

They are – literally and figuratively – the clothes we choose to wear.
So – what will you choose to wear today?



PS – this week I talked about values in my response to a TikTok creator’s video about dream jobs. His take? Dream jobs don’t exist. My take? When you follow your values, your dream job becomes your reality. Watch it here (no login required) and then let me know what you think!
Also, did you know that some of my favorite watercolor prints are on sale right now? You can find them in my TikTok shop – just login to your account and go here to see them all!