What’s Hard about Adulting

Everyone says “adulting” is hard.

But have you ever stopped to ask: What’s so hard about it, exactly?

In a coaching session last week, it finally dawned on me: 

“Adulting” is hard because it means having a point of view.

Rather than relying on your parents, your friends, even your past life history to define who you are and what you’re all about…

Growing into adulthood means taking a stand for YOU:

  • What YOU want for yourself.

  • What YOU find fulfilling and important.

  • How YOU want to spend your time and money.

  • Who YOU want to be in relationship with, etc.

For many of us, this part is already difficult (in fact, this is often what I work on with my coaching clients).

But wait - it gets worse.

Because once you have a point of view, the only thing that’s left is to DO something about it.

Take my watercolor postcards (which for years have been a creative side project that I’m now incorporating more intentionally into my coaching and business).

I have a point of view about what I want for this art. What shape and form it will take, how I want to sell it, and especially the impact I want to create with it.

When I hit upon that realization, it was so exciting! And clarifying! What a rush to know what my point of view is!

And then? I realized that I couldn’t stop there. 

If I wanted my point of view to become my reality, I had to take some kind of action.


Yes – “adulting” is hard because it forces us to do two things:

  1. Define what matters to us, who we are, and what we stand for, and

  2. Take the brave action required to refine (or, in some cases, completely reimagine) our lives to support that.

It’s not for the faint of heart. But it is worth everything.

Maybe you’re feeling unfulfilled at work. Maybe you’d like to earn more money, or start a family, or pursue a non-traditional career path.

Wherever you are, whatever it is – today is a great day to get started.

If you’re feeling called to step into your version of “adulting” and do the brave, important work of claiming your point of view and acting on it –

I would love for you to join me in the Coaching Circle.

This four-month, intimate group experience is exactly the place to define what this stage of life means to you and to take aligned, intentional steps to create a reality that reflects that.

It’s for any woman who desires a space to explore, to be curious, and to claim what you know deep down is right for you and your life.

Enrollment is just beginning, but spots are limited. If you want to chat with me to see if it’s a good fit, join the waitlist and I’ll reach out to schedule a quick call. We start February 29th!
