Announcing Volume 1: Discover

I have some super exciting news… Volume 1 of my new reflection journal is now available for pre-order!

Seriously, today feels like my birthday and Christmas morning all rolled into one. Like a New Year’s Eve party with all my favorite people, the best music, the most comfortable dancing shoes – and none of the New Year’s Day hangover 💃

Basically, today is the best. 

Today is the culmination of months (actually, years) of listening to my own inner compass. 

Of nurturing my creative spirit and daring to take brave, aligned action to honor it.

Of committing to something super meaningful, and super scary. And making it to the other side – not just unscathed, but feeling ALIVE.

Every week I write to you to encourage you to tune into what’s true for you, and to take authentic steps to make it your reality.

And I have always known – in order to guide you to do this in your own life, I have to go first. And so I am.

I’d be lying if I told you that I know how this is all going to work out.

I have a loose plan, and I have an inspired vision of where that plan will take me.

But the details? I’m working on them.

And that’s the whole darn point.

There’s no way we can design for everything. There’s no way we can reverse engineer every detail.

Sometimes, we really do just have to leap!

As uncertain as this leap might feel, I know I am not leaping alone. I know you are right here with me.

And with that… it would mean so much to me if you’d do one or all of the following:

  • Pre-order Volume 1: Discover (arriving May 2024!)

  • Share this link, along with a few words about why you’re excited about my journal, on Instagram, LinkedIn, or wherever you hang out online

  • Forward this email to a friend and suggest they buy a copy for themselves

  • Invite me to speak on your podcast or at your event to share my journey of authentic self-expression and the story of 100 Days of Designing My Life.

THANK YOU x a million for your support, encouragement and cheering – I feel it all the way in my little home office in RIchmond, VA.

One more thing to know: I’m only printing 50 copies of Volume 1.

So if you want your own copy (or 2, or 10…) – you’ll need to act fast because I am expecting to run out.

Here’s to doing the damn thing. I’m going first – and then it’s your turn.
