What does your heart say is true?

I was only ten minutes into the job interview and I already felt myself stumbling over my words. My mouth was dry, I wasn't sure where to put my hands, and couldn't even bring myself to make steady eye contact.

“So, tell me: where do you see yourself in five years?” the HR manager had just asked me.

I didn't know my exact 5 year plan. But right out of the gate, I DID know that it didn't include being at this company.

And yet there I was, sitting in this nondescript office, pretending like I wanted to be there. Fumbling and mumbling, I eventually muttered something that sounded like an answer, but that we both knew really wasn't.

Sometimes what’s true in our hearts doesn’t match the words that come out of our mouths.

It’s not that we mean to deceive. 

Instead it's often either a matter of doubt (will I ever know what I really want?), or a lack of confidence in saying the truth out loud. 

Every “um, well, maybe” serves as a sign that we’re not quite sure. Or that we’re not quite ready to share.

Imagine what might be possible if you said what your heart felt, the first time around!

To be declarative. To stop hedging. To be real, honest, and vocal. 

Here’s one thing I can declare: I love being a coach. 

I love seeing the spark that gets lit as my clients practice honoring their hearts and saying out loud what’s true for them. For their careers, their families and their lives. And I know how brave that is - because I’ve been there myself.

When I started working with my own coach, I didn't know what my heart was telling me to do – but I knew I wasn't happy. 

My coach helped me listen and translate those “inner messages” into a vision for my futur

A vision – and then an action plan – that was authentic to me as a professional, a mom, a person.

And that's what I'd love to do for you.

I have two coaching spots open for new clients to start in May. Is one of them yours? Start here by completing your interest form.

Today, take five minutes to connect with your heart and its message for you. You might close your eyes and invite your heart to speak to you. Or, go on a walk and begin a conversation with your heart. You could ask out loud or in your head, “Heart, what would you like me to know today?”

Start there – and see what words come to you. And then – let’s make them come true for you, together.



PS: One thing my heart is telling me today? How full of love and gratitude I am for you! Your support and encouragement as I’ve launched the first volume of my new reflection journal has truly blown me away!

As of Friday, there are only 23 copies left and I expect to sell out soon. Want one??