The exact formula for career change

What kind of change are you ready to make in your career or life?

Maybe it’s time for a new job. Maybe it’s time to step into a more authentic version of You. No matter the topic or scale, I’m betting there’s some part of your life that you’re ready to stretch, grow, improve or change.

I’ll level with you: there's no quick fix or magic pill for meaningful change. It takes intention, creativity, courage and support to make it happen.

But there IS a formula. 

A simple equation that can unlock the elements you need to create lasting change in your life and career. 

(Why doesn't anyone ever talk about this? Who knows! But we are now!)

Here's how it works: to make any kind of change, you need to be clear on 4 things:

  1. Your level of dissatisfaction with your current situation (A)

  2. The future state you want to achieve (B) 

  3. The steps you'll take to achieve that future state (C)

  4. The 'cost' (D) it'll take to make the change. 

If A, B, and C are greater than D, change will happen. 

Here’s an example:

Let’s imagine I hate my job. I’ve been miserable for a while and I’m ready for something new. In this case, (A) is very high.

Now imagine I know exactly what kind of job I want next. (B) is crystal clear.

And my path to getting this new job (C)? Turns out there’s an offer already waiting for me at my dream company.

Multiplied together, A x B x C is going to outweigh (D), the current ‘cost’ of making this change (ie: overcoming my nerves to tell my manager I’m leaving, giving up my easy morning commute, saying goodbye to my work bestie).

Because A x B x C > D,  I am going to take this new job. Making this change is a no brainer.

Now imagine that same scenario, except for one small difference: I don’t know what kind of job I want.

(A) is still high. I hate my job.

But the kind of job I want (B) isn't clear to me, which means how I go out and get it (C) is basically a black box.

With this kind of equation, I’m more inclined to stay where I am, because the costs associated with making this change (D) outweigh the benefits of leaving.

Often we know we need to make a change, but we don't know where to start. 

  • Maybe you dislike your job (A) but you're not sure what comes next (B). 

  • Maybe you have a dream for a new career (B), but you don't know how to achieve it (C).

  • Maybe you know exactly what you want (B) and how to get there (C), but the benefits at your current job (D) make it hard to leave.

With this formula in your hands, you now hold the key to any lasting change effort. 

Identify the variables you already know, and then figure out the ones you don't.

Today, think about the change you want to make:

What’s your A, B, C and D?

❓Which of the variables are clear and which are you getting stuck on? 

❓Where could you use help?

And if you’re feeling stuck at any point along the formula, I’m here to help.

I’ve just opened up limited spots for “Mini Coaching Strategy Intensives” – a 3-hour, private coaching session with me where we tackle your unique formula for the change you want to make.

By the end of our session, you’ll know your A, B, C and D – and feel clear, confident, and ready to take action.
Check out the details here! There are spots available starting in early May.

As a thank you, when you sign up for Mini Intensive, you’ll also receive a bonus copy of “100 Days of Designing My Life: Volume 1,” my new reflection journal!

These coaching sessions are so much fun, so creative – and most importantly, they work.

I can’t wait to dive into your own formula for change! Let’s make it happen – together.



PS: These spots are only open for May and June. So if you’re ready to stop talking about making change – and actually make it happen – don’t miss out!